#1 What is Raspberry Pi ?

Posted by All Tutor Flashing Rom on Tuesday, January 12, 2016

This is 1st post on Raspberry Pi tutorial.
If you want the list of posts click here.

The Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit-card sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse. You might be aware of the entry level micro controller "Arduino" [Click here for Arduino Tutorials]. In the first post of the Arduino tutorials I had mentioned about the micro processor and micro controllers, so is raspberry pi same ?

Answer to this question would be no! Raspberry Pi is a SoC [System on Chip], the exact meaning of which can be found here. In layman's language it is a computer, small sized computer. It consists of a RAM, OS, Ethernet, USB ports etc., unlike Arduino.
It is way more powerful then Arduino because it has a processor with high clock frequency, RAM, Digital Signal Processor [DSP] and it has a OS [it's not a general purpose OS, we will talk about this later].

RPi is capable of performing heavy mathematical calculations, simulations etc. and believe me the major reason for people to prefer RPi is its CHEAP ! [Compared to other SoCs].

It’s capable of doing everything you’d expect a desktop computer to do, from browsing the internet and playing high-definition video, to making spreadsheets, word-processing, and playing games or even making your own electronic/computer based projects.
The Raspberry Pi Foundation is a registered educational charity (registration number 1129409) based in the UK.
Raspberry Pi Official Website :- https://www.raspberrypi.org

Here is video that will give you a little more idea about Raspberry Pi :-

You can buy Raspberry Pi from various retailers or their official store. There are many versions of Raspberry Pi like Raspberry Pi A, A+, B, B+, Raspberry Pi 2 etc.
Versions differ in their CPU clock speeds, RAM and GPIO [General Purpose Input Output] Pins. Depending upon your use you can choose one. [I will suggest to use the wiki link given above because they have made a table out of all specs of each RPi model].

So now I guess you have a pretty good Idea about what Raspberry Pi is and what it can do. In the following posts I will be taking Raspberry Pi 2 for consideration. [You can choose any of the above boards, tutorials will be general for every RPi model].
Once you learn using one board you can really work on any of them easily & by yourself.  

Visit the next post 'Setting Up Raspberry Pi - Part 1'.
click here.

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