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Blogger Mentorship To Become a Successful Blogger

Posted by All Tutor Flashing Rom on Saturday, December 5, 2015

Blogging is the best a safest means to make money online.

You can make extra money blogging or you can turn it into a full time money earning machine.

This divided into sections for better understanding.

How To Promote My Video Game Blog

Questions such as these how to promote my video game blog, how to promote my fashion blog, how to promote my golf blog, how to promote my nba blog, how to promote my christian blog, how to promote my movie blog, how to promote my star blog... are common to find people searching for their answers on search engines like Google.

There are thausands of blogs online trying to teach you how to get blog traffic. On this post, you will find nothing different.

What the others have told you or what you are about to find out about internet marketing.

All I have done is just a little expansion for your better understanding. Even those who have no previous skills can benefit.

Social Media Marketing

For those of you who are not blog or website owners, this will make  little or no sense to you.

Social media marketing?

You may ask.

What happened to the normal social net working.

Well we are not here to talk about your normal social networking.

We are here to talk about using social media for blog or website promotion.

This method of blog or website promotion is familiar to many who already know about the importance of blog or website promotion.

I am not here to talk about you, I am here to talk about those who are still to find out what social medias have to do with blog or website promotion.

There are uncountable social networks on the internet, well as far as I know.

So I am going to name you the few and most actives.

Facebook: With facebook, you can create pages and social profiles.

You are allowed to show short messages as while as long messages, even blog posts are excepted on facebook.

On facebook, you want to get as much friends, followers and facebook likes to your pages as possible.

You can promote your facebook profile to friends, colleques... and invite them to like your facebook page.

Facebook as an advantage in that content can easily go viral creating you allot of exposure.

The downside is that it is very difficult to get noticed on facebook.

Twitter: Normally known as a mini blogger plat form.

Here you are allowed to post short messages.

The target here is to get as much followers as you can.

Who can do retweets for you. Post often and follow influential people in your niche.

It is a very slow process since you have a daily amount of people you are allowed to follow and even have a maximum amount of people you can follow, well on a free account.

Facebook and twitter are the most active when it comes to social networking.

The others digg, delicious, stumbleupon, reddit are mostly valuable in submitting web pages.

You can also get followers on these social networks but it is not as active as facebook and twitter when it comes to keeeping up to date with friends.

So you have seen your normal social media in a different approach.

Not your normal day to day chat with friends.

Here I am trying to solve frequently asked questions such as, how to promote my video game blog, how to promote my fashion blog, how to promote my golf blog, how to promote my nba blog, how to promote my christian blog, how to promote my movie blog, how to promote my star blog...

So if you need answers to the above questions, then you will have to take facebook, twitter and the rest of the social networks a little serious since they have the power to expose your brand or product.

Video Marketing

Unlike your normal video uploading to youtube, we are going to see that in a different dimension this time.

Using those videos to promote your blog or website.

The reason I came up with this postis due to the commonly asked questions, how to promote my video game blog, how to promote my fashion blog, how to promote my golf blog, how to promote my nba blog, how to promote my christian blog, how to promote my movie blog, how to promote my star blog...
You have created a blog or website, then what?

You want the content to be seen and read.

There are several ways you can do that and video marketing is one of them.

These involves creating short videos and submitting them to sites like youtube.

Mind you, youtube is the second largest search engine and it is own by Google which is the biggest search engine.

There are other video sites I am not going to name each one for you.

You can do a google search for yourself.

The target is to make the videos as short as possible at most 4 minutes getting directly to the point.

And make sure you use the exact keywords describing your brand or product.

The downside is that it takes some time for the videos to be recognized online.

The upside is it has a high chance of going viral creating a lot ot exposure for your brand or product.

Blog Commenting

Blog commenting is also another very effective way to get answers to your worries how to promote my video game blog, how to promote my fashion blog, how to promote my golf blog, how to promote my nba blog, how to promote my christian blog, how to promote my movie blog, how to promote my star blog... We are not talking here about your regular blog commenting (thanks for this post) to get back link.

We are talking here about using blog commenting to generate traffic for your blog or website.

And this is how you do that:

Find some blogs or websites that write on the same topic as you.

Preferably ones which already have a fair amount of traffic.

Make sure you read each post well to understand the writers writing style and what the writer is trying to tell the world.

Then make intelligent comments on these posts on a regular basis.

Your comments should either be adding value to the said post, encouraging the writer for a good work done or contradicting the writer on something they said that you don't agree.

With contradictions, make you know exactly what you are talking about and you must have some proofs.

Because you will be getting some heat from the readers of that blog and the writer himself.

The upside is that you can get liked by the loyal readers of that blog gaining you exposure for your website or blog.

You can even get liked from the owner of that blog himself landing you even more exposure for your product or brand.

The downside comments must be excepted by the owner of the blogs.

This usual takes some time and not all blog owners except your comments.

Be patient. Give yourself some time to get on the spot list.

Article Marketing

With article marketing, you are required to write articles with a minimum of 450 words and submit them to article directories.

Here you want to deal with keywords. Keywords are search terms people will normally use to find your product or brand.

Some of the most common article directories include ezine, articlebase, goarticle.

There are many more you can always do a google search to get more article directories.

The advantage here is you will be getting two back links to your blog or website, one in your article body and the other in your bio.

Since most of these directories already have a high page rank, then your articles stand a better chance to be on the first page of Google.

The disadvantage is that most of them are very selective, especially ezine.

You will also be required to write good English taking care of every paragraph and punctuations.

Write articles like a story using the prefix you, I, me not an essay.

So let's say you are searching for answers to the following questions how to promote my video game blog, how to promote my fashion blog, how to promote my golf blog, how to promote my nba blog, how to promote my christian blog, how to promote my movie blog, how to promote my star blog...

Write articles addressing these questions like a conversation.

In this way people can get to respond to you through commenting and help you answer the questions.

Above all make it interesting.

A Very Affective Way To Get Backlinks And Some Traffic

I was scratching every piece of google search this morning for the keyphrase ''list of bookmarks that allow delicious import'' or ''list of bookmarks with delicious important feature''.

To my surprise I came out with no results.

So I had to create 100 profiles on different bookmark sites just to come out with this list myself.

Now there was a reason I had to go through all that trouble.

To cut the look story short, I had found a way to tagg keywords.

If you have been blogging for some time then the word backlinks and traffic is not a new thing to you.

For those of you that are new in the blogging world, backlinks are external links linking back to your blog and there are several ways you can get them like blog commenting, article submission, video submittion, forum posting...

When we talk about traffic in the blogging game we are not reflecting to the one you normal hate (road traffic) this time you will have to love this one because without it, your beautiful blog makes no sense and it will die.

So this one is both for the old schools and newbies read on as we try to cover this togther.

Now getting blog traffic is a very difficult process, there are over 167 million blogs online, for those of you that will bother to check do not blame me if they have added, this was the result I got the last time I searched for the number of online blogs.

This is because some give up too soon and some think they just have to sleep on their beds drop 1 or 2 articles on the internet and they will see people start flooding in.

I am sorry to be the one to tell you this, you have to live above the noise to get people engage in what you have to share.

There is a way you can get traffic from what people are busy typing on search engines every day especially google.

Say like me that was searching for the keyphrases ''list of bookmarks that allow delicious import'' or ''list of bookmarks with delicious important feature''.

The process by which you get traffic from search engine is known as seo (search engine optimisation). Backlinks play a very important role when it comes to search engine optimisation.

They tell google and other search engines how to rank your site.

Google rank sites based on a scale of 1-10 depending on the number of backlinks you have and the quality of the backlinks since here what matters is quality not quantity.

With all that said, I was just trying to tell you a little story about the seo world so that you know that I know what I am talking about.

End of story.

Let us get into business.

We are going to call our little seo tip authority tagging.

This is where I want to introduce you to another very important member to the seo kingdom.

He is called keywords.

What people are searching on google, yahoo, bing, you name the rest is known as keyword. For example ''list of bookmarks that allow delicious import'' or ''list of bookmarks with delicious important feature''

So the first thing you what to do is understand what you what to tell the world, in the blogging world it is known as your niche.

Try to come out with some word phrases you think people might be typing on google to get to your product.

Make a list of this words in a notepad or what ever.

Helping aids can be yahoo answer and quora since people are always asking questions on these sites.

So you will know what they are looking for.

Now you have your keyword on your notepad.

Get as many as you can.

The second thing you must do is head over to delicious and create an account if you do not have one.

Delicious enables you to save web pages known as bookmarks.

I will assume you have your keywords and a delicious account by now.

The next step is to write a short description of your product.

Do not make it too personal, like I have the best shoe shop on the internet, people do not like relating to things like that on the internet.

But atleast be sure of what you are telling them.

Say something like my fashion blog is not that bad.

Head over to your blog, save atleast 10 pages on your blog to your delicious account, you are allowed to save more, 10 is just a good figure.

Then look for some other blogs on your niche and save those ones too.

If you have articles, then save some of those too, If you can trace where your blog has links, then save some of those pages too.

Your delicious account is good to go.

There are other bookmark sites that will allow you import your delicious bookmarks.

They have what is known as the delicious important feature.

You do not have to look for them I have done the hard work for you.

Here you go

So you can see what learning can do.

I was just search for ''list of bookmarks that allow delicious import'' or ''list of bookmarks with delicious important feature''.

After I did not find any results, Then an idea came into my head to write an article tackling these long tail keywords.

If not you will not have gotten my signature authority tagging.

Get Million Of Visitors From The World's biggest News Site (Reddit)

Have you recently heard even barack Obama was on reddit, When he ask people to ask him anything?

(AMA) That's right that is how popular reddit is.

In todays post, we are going to be looking at how the gurus are utilising reddit to get million of visitors to their websites and how you can use reddit to get thousands of visitors per day.

If you are new on the internet and have heard about how people are making millions online, then read this article I want to try to teach you something not everyone will teach you. First you will need a website or a facebook page.

If you have no idea on how to create a website, then there are thousands of services out there to help you do that but they will boom you with allot of affiliate links (just to warn you before hand).

Or maybe you are already good on facebook, then create a page.

Make sure you choose something you are interested in, and not the size of the industry.

Let's assume you have created your website or facebook page and have found something you are interested in, head straight to reddit.

Now this is how reddit works.

Riddit has more than 260 sub - reddits which have over 100,000 subscribers.

Meaning people who want to see the news of that sub - reddit on their homepage. An example of a sub - reddit TIL (today I learned) people post what they have to say on these sub- reddits.

If it gets allot of upvotes then it will be found on the home page of reddit for some days.

Do you know how many visitors a single article can get you if it stumbles it's way on the homepage of reddit just for one day?

Let's leave that until you try it yourself.

Each sub - reddit is broken down into categories which you can use to build a website or facebook page on and make some money. 

If you are one of those that does not just read things and keep them under your pillow then let me take you to the next level.

Don't just focus on a sub - reddit because of it's size.

You will stand a better chance if you have an interest.

Head over to redditlist.com.

This will give you a better view of the sub - reddit than what the reddit search engine will show you.

Go through that list until you find what is making people want to vote that particular article.

You will have the opportunity to see even those that have been posted for a very long time, since reddit has what everyone is looking for (travelling back in time).

Then get those articles and modify them and post on your facebook page or website.

Try to make it look better than what reddit had to offer it's community.

Like do some more research on that topic, add more information and make sure to link back to the original content.

If you have been in the blogging field for some time now then you now how difficult it is to get traffic.

It will overwhelm you if you are not careful.

People have created blogs and ended up making no sense out of what they have created.

Not because they did not have something interesting to say but the process of getting people engage in what they have to say is very frustrating.

For those of you that want to go into some serious keyword research, then reddit is also a very good place to do that.,

It has some keywords you will never find on google.

If you are someone that is new then this is good for you since you can get all the heard work done.

Let me just try to tell you what everyone will be telling you about website traffic.

- SEO: Search engine optimisation.

You will need to make your blog searchable by search engines especially google.

You will need to create backlinks and do keyword research. This is a very long process.

- Article submission: You will have to come up with article ideas about what you have to offer and then post it on article directories.

You need a perfect knowledge of English when it comes to this one.

- Video submission: You will need to create short videos about your product and upload it to video sites.

This has no guarantee that your videos will be viewed.

- Blog commenting: You will need to find blogs that share similar content as you and make comments on those blogs.

Comments have to be moderated which leaves you with a low chance of it being accepted.

Those are but just a few of what you will constantly hear in the blogging field.

Today I bring you a very effective way to get traffic and make some money. Everything takes some time and some heard work. Even though very effective, if you are not consistent and put in some heard work, you will not come out with good results.

Want Something To Write About?

Have you heard people are making thousands just by writing articles online?

Have you heard people are making millions from their blogs or websites?

Are you wandering how they are doing that?

Then come to me let us talk.

Let us say you have found Mr nice guy.

You do not have to write about rocket science in order to make money on the internet nor do you have to write about atomic decay to earn financial independence online.

Read on to find out how a woman is making 50.000$ online from the simple things you think do not matter.

There are Africans scattered around the world that have never been to Africa, there are South Africans in Australia that have never been to South Africa, There are Germans in Russia that have never been in Germany. Does that say something to you?

They will tell it to everyone if you send them something from home.

Now where are you found in this world?

In which city are you found in the particular country you are located?

Take some time to learn about the History of that country or the city in which you are found.

Learn where must of the people have gone to, for example during the times of slavery, world war, or where the people regularly take their vacations.

People have been known to fall in love unawares.

They might have been capture during the times of slavery to America or any other part of the world, they might have flight to another country during the times of war, they might have been captured by love in a vacation in a new city or country.

Now this is what you can do, read local news papers, listen to local news radio stations, watch local TV stations,  gather as much information as you can and write articles about this information in a conversational tone, so as to give readers the opportunity to contribute in the conversation.

If you just start asking them to buy these information, in the long run they won't like it and they will run away from you with time.

Some will buy from you from the happiness they will get in the short run.

I can't imagine how happy I get when I get something I know about from home, like a food receipt, how it excite my mind, I will pay anything just to get that news.

But as time goes on I return to my new life (living in Germany).

So this is what you what to do, collect as much information as you can from the means I just listed above, come out with conversational articles about those information, then create a website or a blog and post these articles on.

These will give people out of home the privilege to connect with things from home and have the opportunity to discuss issues from home with one another.

Now creating a blog or a website does not automatically mean people will start stumbling on your blog or website and get interested in what you have to say.

You have to get what is known as website or blog traffic.

If you get people to fall on your blog or website that is telling them about something everyone misses (home) they will spread it to the world for you.

To promote your blog or website, you can use paid methods like facebook ads or adwords run and owned by google.

With facebook ads, it is better if you create a page and then promote that page since you will have loyal fans that will like and share your content rather than some passer by buyers. With google adwards, you will have to focus on keywords.

You will have to study what people will normally type on search engines like google when they are home sick just to get something from home.

Sometimes they might just want a picture of a home city or a favourite local rocky game.

There are also free methods of promoting a blog or a website.

I will try to list each and everyone I know below and tell you how to use them.

SEO: This is known as search engine optimisation.

This is what is required of you, keywords and backlinks.

Search engines like google rank your sites according to the number of backlinks it gets.

How do I get backlinks?

Let us talk about how to get backlinks, you get backlinks from social shares known as social signals like google+ facebook, twitter, stumble upon, reddit, digg, delicious and many other social and bookmarking websites.

You get backlinks from other websites through their comment section.

Now when commenting, do not target the backlink, but go in for the audience, that is why it is advisable to comment on blogs and websites with a large audience.

By so doing you can get the attention of the already loyal audience of that particular bog or website and then a backlink.

You can also get a backlink from forums. Now do not go about spamming forums just to get a backlink when you can participate in the forum and get some real time visitors back to your website or blog.

A forum is a place on the internet where people come and ask questions and share similar interest.

You can join these sites and answer the questions of people seeking information from home or share your idea about what you are about to do for home sake. With keywords, you will have to think or use google keyword planner to come up with word phrases people will normally type on search engines if they are interested about what you have to say about home.

Article Marketing: Here you will have to come up with article ideas about what you have to say about home.

Just write about what you think people outside home will love to hear about home and learn about home, then you can submit it to article directories like ezinearticles and articlebase.

You can do a google search if you need more article directories.

Video submission: Ever wander about the walking and talking or the sitting and talking videos you find on youtube, they are not magic, they are made for advertising and they are done by regular and normal people like you and me.

You can sit at the comfort of your bedroom and make some videos talking about home, or you can move in a nearby city making a video talking like you regularly see in a news flash.

Then upload those videos to video sites.

I have already named the most popular video site for you (youtube).

Do a google search to get more video sites to upload your videos.

Make sure the videos are short though, at most 4 minutes.

Social Media Marketing: If you are very attentive, then you must have already got this one from what you have been reading above.

When I was talking about social signals through facebook shares and twitter tweets and retweets.

Now let's say you have done all that heard work and maybe even spend some few bucks.

How do you get paid for your heard work or how do you get your dollars back?

Let us get into this slowly, you heard me talking about a woman making 50,000 thousand dollars online, there are people making 6 figures salaries online, that's right, that is not an April fool joke.

You can choose a local food receipt.

Come out with the full details on how to cook this food from start to finish, even add details about how this food is eaten, for example with the hands like it is commonly done in Africa or with spoons, knives and forks, like the Europeans do, then come out with an e-book. An e-book is basically a PDF document.

So your methods on how to prepare a favourite home dish is found in a PDF file.

There are sites that will allow you promote this product for a little fee.

Like clickbank. In clickbank and many other sites, you will have the additional advantage to get affiliates, i.e. boys and girls that will help you promote this product.

You will be promoting this product on your website or blog and then get others involve in promoting this product for you.

Clickbank gives your affiliates what is known as commission.

They will be promoting your product on a 50%, 60% or 75% commission.

All these transactions is taken care of by clickbank.

All you get is your money.

Still not satisfied?

Want me to come up with more ideas for you?

What is the favourite local game of that country or city, what is the favourite women's club of that country, what is the favourite men's club of that country, you can even go into Museums and come out with historical items:

In must museums, you are not allowed to take pictures, but they are often filled with historical items and news which you can collect and do a google search to get more information and even photos.

Organise this in a PDF file then submit it to clickbank and see the magic happen.

There are also sites that will allow you upload files for free.

These files are downloaded free by others.

You can submit a shorter version of what you are selling on these sites in a PDF file format and an affiliate link leading back to the original document.

Who knows the number of downloads it will get.

Still not satisfied of what you can tell those out of home?

What is the political and religious status of that particular country or city.

What has changed within the years.

Come out with a collection of the presidents, in the case of a country, this is bad for those in Africa, since we have one President rolling the country till ''it'' dies.

Come out with governors, officials in that country region, or city.

People out of home are very interested in topics like this.

They might even find a relative of theirs who have become a governor, and they will pay you back by spreading the news to the world and maybe come back home.

Let us call this concept or idea ''thinking inside the box''.

Do not thing about space or how man can get into the sun, when people are interested to know about a favourite local football player.

Come out with local news about a country, region, or city, tell people about it and you will be shocked how many people will be willing to buy what you have to sell...

That is the end of my story

Any questions or comments then leave a comment bellow. Or email me @



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