This is 2nd post on Arduino tutorial.
If you want the list of posts click here.
- So as discussed in previous tutorial we are now familiar with the Arduino & it's products.
- You must have any one of those boards with you before we actually begin, so I suggest to buy a Arduino board preferably Arduino Uno from here.
- Assuming you have the Arduino board we can proceed with the installation of Arduino IDE on your laptop or computer.
- This Arduino IDE works with any of the Arduino boards [ONLY ARDUINO BOARDS].
Installing the IDE :-
- Now it is always suggested to use the latest version of Arduino IDE available, so you can visit the link and download the IDE suitable for your OS.
- Click here to download.
- Don't download the beta version or nightly builds.
- Windows users can download the installer [IDE will be installed automatically] or the ZIP file which contains the IDE [Just Extraction required].
- If you have downloaded the Installer then follow the wizard and install the software.
- For users who have downloaded the ZIP file, extract the ZIP and you are ready to use the software. [ZIP file can be used from USB pendrive, i.e. ZIP is portable version].
- ZIP users are recommended to install the drivers manually, so open the Arduino 1.x.x folder and go to drivers folder.
- Now install dpinst-x86 for 32-bit OS & dpinst-amd64 for 64-bit OS, drivers are required so that your computer can connect with the Arduino board through USB for burning code.
- This drivers are signed by windows, but if Win 8 users are having trouble installing drivers google about 'Installing Third party drivers on Win 8'.
- Congrats you are all set to learn Arduino and get ready to do some project !
Snapshots of IDE:-
This is all about setting up things, now you are all set to work on arduino. Let's make a check list of what we have :-
- Arduino Board
- A laptop/Computer with Arduino IDE installed along with drivers.
- A Breadboard [Assuming you have one for placing Components].
- Resistors, capacitors, LED's, connecting wires etc etc....
I hope you all know this is basic stuff that we might require for a electronics project.
So get ready for next tutorial and be ready to have hands-on experience.
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