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Unlock Bootloader & root moto E !

Posted by All Tutor Flashing Rom on Friday, August 29, 2014

Please follow this instructions carefully to avoid any problems !
Before you proceed, note that you take all the responsibility of damage or any other issues caused :-)

  • Rooting your phone has many benefits like having all the admin rights, applying new updates,flashing custom ROM, using apps that require the admin rights etc. & this list continues !! :-D
  • Make sure that you are following this steps just for MOTO E and not for any other phone.
  • Click on ADB.zip, logo.zip, recovery-twrp.img . [TWRP 2.8.7 :- here.]
  • Download all the files from above links and place them in a folder. Extract adb.zip.
  • Now press Shift + Right mouse button in the same folder where you have extracted the adb.zip and click on open Command window here.
  • Type adb and press enter, you should see a large amount of text, this means you have followed all the steps correctly!

  • Now to unlock BOOTLOADER  
    1. Check USB debugging mode in Developer options ! [if you can't see developer option, go to about phone and click on build number several times and you will activate the developer options ]
    2. Put your device in fastboot mode (power off, then press the power  and volume down button simultaneously).
    3. You will see that mobile shows fastboot flash mode & will have options like normal power up, recovery, factory etc. this means you have entered into fastboot mode. [Vol Down button will scroll & Vol Up Button will select the option in fastboot mode].
    4. Now connect your phone to PC with USB cable.
    5. Type the following line in Command prompt [which we had opened on PC earlier] & press enter                            fastboot oem get_unlock_data
    6. Now you will see a string which has numbers like for example                                                          "fastboot oem get_unlock_data
      (bootloader) 0A40040192024205#4C4D3556313230
      (bootloader) 30373731363031303332323239#BD00
      (bootloader) 8A672BA4746C2CE02328A2AC0C39F95
      (bootloader) 1A3E5#1F53280002000000000000000
      (bootloader) 0000000"
    7. copy all the numbers on a text file and remove all the spaces and make this into a single line numbers.               eg [in this case will look like]:-                                                                               "0A40040192024205#4C4D355631323030373731363031303332323239#BD008A672BA4746C2CE02328A2AC0C39F951A3E5#1F532800020000000000000000000000"
    8. Paste this Whole string of numbers on this link :-                                                                              https://motorola-global-portal.custhelp.com/app/standalone/bootloader/unlock-your-device-a
    9. Sign-In with a account and paste the above string of numbers & click on Can my device be unlocked?, then click on I Agree & further on REQUEST UNLOCK KEY  & you will receive a E-mail with the bootloader unlocking Unique Key !
    10. Note You will be losing warranty as soon as Motorola sends an email of unlocking Key.
    11. Now let the phone be in fastboot mode and connected to the PC, start typing in the Command prompt:-  fastboot oem unlock UNIQUE_KEY
    12. UNIQUE_KEY is the 20 Character Code you received from Motorola through E-mail.
    13. Now when you see your device is unlocked it will reboot and you will see warning screen saying 'WARNING BOOTLOADER UNLOCKED' [Every time you boot, this screen will appear].
    14. Congratulations you have successfully unlocked Motorola Moto E's Bootloader !! 

  • Now For ROOTING
    1. Switch On your phone !
    2. Download the SuperSU from                                                              http://download.chainfire.eu/452/SuperSU/UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.02.zip
    3. Put this File [SuperSU.zip] into Internal Memory of your Phone & follow step 1 & 2 from unlock Bootloader steps.
    4. Now again  press Shift + Right mouse button in the same folder where you have extracted the adb.zip and click on open Command window here.
    5. Type adb and press enter, you should see a large amount of text, this means you are on the right track !
    6. Now make sure you put the file recovery-twrp.img  which you downloaded earlier, into the folder where you have extracted the adb.zip.
    7. Type
      fastboot boot recovery-twrp.img
    8. Type fastboot flash recovery recovery-twrp.img to permanently make TWRP as  your   default recovery, stock recovery will be deleted [Use either step 7 or 8, not both]. 
    9. Phone will start with a new screen [TWRP recovery] there click on first option Install.
    10. After selecting Install, scroll down and find the SuperSU.Zip downloaded in step 2.
    11. Swipe to confirm, wait untill the flash is complete and then select reboot, to boot into your phone.
    12. You will see superSU app in app drawer !
    13. Congratulations You have successfully rooted your MOTO E !

  • Now last thing is the Warning Box that comes every time we reboot !
  • To remove it extract the logo.zip file and you will see a logo.bin file [put it into the folder where you have extracted the adb.zip.]
  • Open the CMD using Shift + Right mouse button in the same folder where you have extracted the adb.zip & now have logo.bin file also !
  • Reboot your phone to Fastboot mode, connect to pc and type the following command into CMD                               fastboot flash logo logo.bin
  • Reboot your phone after this and now you have successfully removed the Warning Box.
  • Finally you have your Moto E Rooted & bootloader unlocked !
  • ENJOY !! :-)
Flash Official Android 5.1 on Moto E, click here.

If you are new to whatever that was explained above, or want a little information then click here Things you should know about android.

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