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Compile Decompile dengan APKTOOL via HH

Posted by All Tutor Flashing Rom on Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Apktool v4.3 DOWNLOAD
920 text editor DOWNLOAD

Donlot file di atas,extract di sdcard/disini ( jgn didalam dimasukan folder apapun)
Buka folder apktool hasil extractan td,ddlm nya ada file apktool.apk,instal apk tersebut.
Via rootex,copy framework-res.apk,simpan ke sdcard/apktool/disini.
Buka apktool.apk,masuk ke sdcard/apktool/ klik framework-res.apk , pilih import to framework,tunggu sampe selsei.

Copy file yg akan dimodd,contoh SystemUI.apk ke folder apktool.
Buka apktool.apk,masuk ke folder apktool,klik SystemUI.apk,pilih decompile all.
Jika sdh selsei decompile,nanti akan ada folder hasil decompile td yaitu SystemUI_src
Masuk ke folder SystmUI_src,edit dan mod sesuai kebutuhan.Setelah selsei edit/modd,klik folder SystemUI_src dan pilih recompile,tunggu sampe selsei dan sukses no eror.
Via rootex,extract SystemUI.apk original /asli yg blum diedit
Masuk ke folder apktool/SystemUI_src/build/apk/disini , copy semua yg ada didirectori ini,paste ke folder hasil extrakan SystemUI original tadi (replace).
Compress lagi SystemUI ori yg sudah direplace td menjadi zip.
Rename jadi SystemUI.apk , push ke system/app/disini,sett permisi rw-r-r,reboot.

Tutor suka2 ori by admin
credits to all member official user galaxycore duos group.


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